Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The cake!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. Life has been crazy here in the Hood house. I made my first wedding cake since I got home from Iraq. Needless to say that my house was turned into a war zone and the kids were on a sugar rush all week from stealing the frosting.

But the cake turned out pretty and yummy if I do say so myself! It was really good I also made a chocolate cheesecake for the grooms cake and people are still asking me for the recipe.

The bride and groom


Carrie Maseda said...

Yes, I would say that the cake was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!! My only regret is that I only had some of the wedding cake and not the groom's cake. :( I'm sure it was just as delicious as the wedding cake; great job!!!!!!!!!

Familia Durham said...

WOW!! I am so impressed!! I didn't know you had such a neat talent... and just to think you never shared any cake with us... he he he Very very nice!