Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dear Mom..we miss you...


Thursday we went on a very long ride in your van we washed it for you. Daddy had to meet with a guy named Mike somewhere really far away (Summerville). You are working still..we miss you a lot..Daddy is mean he pops balloons. You left us alone with Daddy, Mommy we thought we liked Macaroni...not so much now. We are hoping you will be back soon (Daddy says five days..but he said that last time you were gone all the time, but your not fighting the bad guys this time). Mike had a girl named Lauren with lots of My Little Pony toys..Ainslee loved it. It was a lot of fun, we got donuts with a ton of spinkles (we like Daddy now), they had cartoons on and a big pirate there. Then very yummy cheesy pizza for lunch, Ainslee liked Mike's pizza better (Pineapple and Ham, yuck!). Our favorite part was the park we went to for a big break, they had a merry-go-round and big swings..we went really high. Last for dinner played at Burger King and ate more Macaroni. That was a lot of play time! It was a long ride home, we got to watch the Bee Movie! Please Mommy hurry home..we love you..
Your Prince and Princess..

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