Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas morning!! (finally)

We had a great Christmas morning. We tried to take it easy because we knew how busy we were going to be in the next week(post to come I promise).

I think Ainslee liked her Tinkerbell more than her scooter at times.

They were so excited when they saw there scooters but Tyler took us off guard when he said that is not the one I asked for?!!! We both said "what did you want then?" It turns out he just wanted a matchbox car sized scooter to go with his toy motorcycle. I could have saved so much money if I had known that!!!

He loved his scooter after a while and now they would love to be outside riding them all day if they could

Eating all their candy on the couch something we don't let them do on a normal basis. Now I know why. They had chocolate all over the couch before we could get to them. I guess we learned our lesson for next year.

1 comment:

Familia Durham said...

Next year ask lots of questions before buying anything... maybe you'll get to save some money... he he We got them scooters too but for our Uruguayan holiday (Three wise men day). Your kids are very cute.