Sunday, November 30, 2008

O Christmas tree!!!
We had our yearly tradition of getting our Christmas tree yesterday in 70 degree weather. We found a little tree farm near our house. We got egg nog and oreos a favorite of Thomas!!
The kids loved searching for the perfect tree

We found the one!!!

Ainslee wanted this one for her room isn't it a cute charlie brown tree

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Happy late Turkey day!

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. All the Hoods that live nearby came over and we had a great time. It was nice enough to eat outside in the backyard so we did! All the kiddos played instead of eating (of course). Joe and Tammy stayed till Friday so we took the kids to Savannah and went to the soft play at the mall (it was raining). They had a ball we were there for about two hours. I did not get any pictures on Thursday but here are some of the kids playing.

Tyler liked climbing with Amy.

Ainslee would not sit still for the camera!!

Amy being silly

Sara (one of the only pictures I have of her looking at me, isn't she a cutie!!)

Claire in the backyard (Don't mess!)

We had a great Thanksgiving and we hope everyone did too!!!




Monday, November 24, 2008

Ainslee is 3!!!

We had a small birhtday party but she had fun and thought it was great to have so much attention.

I think that this was their favorite toy. They are both really liking playdough right now and Maggie gave them this octopus for playdough. This thing has so many things that you can do with playdough. I will have to post later some of the things that they are making with it.
Ainslee loves her new baby I wanted to get her a cabbage patch but our wal-mart didn't have any when I went to buy her present.
She had a butterfly cake and decorations she has always been my little butterfly girl.

We loved having My mom and three of my four sisters here. Molly also brought her boyfriend/fiancee Dennis with her(Ainslee thinks that he is her boyfriend so he had to come).

Our little princess with her birthday breakfast.

She had a great birthday and loved having family and friends over for her party.

New Hairdoos!

I decided to go shorter on Ainslee's hair a few weeks ago and everyone says it is cute so I thought I would post a few pictures of my little cutie!

Front view
Back view(sorry it is sideways)
I also got my hair done a couple of weeks ago and wanted to show pictures.
Side view

Front view(sorry about the no makeup picture I usually don't have time for it.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Trick or Treating!

We went around the neiborhood with our friends Maggie(pictured) and her dad. We rode on a hayride with some other friends. I think the kids liked that more than getting candy.

Leaving to go to Maggie's house.

After trick or treating at church.

Going to school as a pirate. He had so much fun being able to go like this. His classmates consisted of super heros, princesses and thing 1. Ainslee was able to go too she had a blast. They ended up with two bags of candy a piece. We are still eating it and probably will for a while.

our pumpkin!!

We decided to go traditional and just carve a face on one side then show some school spirit on the other side!!

TYLER'S school that is!! This is Tyler's school logo for Effingham County High School.

Getting all the yucky stuff out of the pumpkin.
They had a lot of fun making a mess and spending time together.