Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tyler's first tooth!!!

It's official Tyler has lost his first tooth. He was playing spaceship with Daddy and Ainslee and it just fell out. He noticed it was loose a couple of days ago and was so excited that the tooth fairy was going to give him money that he has been trying to get it out on his own. Right now he is brushin his teeth to make sure that the rest of his teeth will be nice and white when they come out.

1 comment:

Jared and Liz said...

Que chistoso se ve sin su diente, ojala el raton perez se haya portado bien, a Scarlett le faltan tres dientes y en cada oportunidad espera con ansias despertar y ver el dinero debajo de su almohada.

"How funny he looks without his tooth, hopefully the Tooth Rat was good to you. Scarlett is missing 3 teeth and she always looks for the money under her pillow."

Liz Hood